Staying Connected to Students During COVID-19
During this unpredictable time, I am very proud of my staff. The WBExL team has been creating amazing online content as a way to stay in touch with our students. However, to me, as the WBExL director, there is no technology or distancing program that can substitute the warmth and daily feedback we get from our students.
Even though as a society and as a program we need to learn to live with the physical distance, just being able to observe a student’s smile is extremely rewarding and is what makes our hard work worth it. When a WBExL student wants to come to the stage to say, hi, maybe to have a snack or even to complain to me about something, those interactions cannot be replaced by any technology or virtual platform.
At WBExL we constantly provide opportunities for our students to develop their social and emotional skills. We provide a safe, inviting and fun place where kids are not only free to express themselves but are encouraged and supported to do just that. That is impossible to replicate if we are not physically together. I am eagerly looking forward to the day we can safely come back together.
But, for now, I hope our students are enjoying the wonderful work the WBExL staff is doing to stay in touch. I miss each one of our students and their families and I really hope each one of you is staying safe, healthy and positive.
Lessons Learned for the New Normal
As part of efforts to stay connected to our WBExL students, our staff is creating some exceptional video and other online content. These online activities encourage children to continue learning through play.
These “staff-led” activities, including games, art projects, science experiments, language lessons, cooking videos and more, are something we will continue to provide even when we are back together. They are one more way to remain connected and to provide transformational learning for our students.
Fall 2020