Winn Brook ExL Program

To ensure the health and safety of WBExL students and staff, we are running an innovative program in lieu of our traditional before and after school program. Learn more now, and apply online. Please feel free to email the Director, Ashley Quan, at


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Located at the Winn Brook Elementary School in Belmont, this EEC-licensed program provides high-quality before- and after-school programming for children in the Winn Brook School community.


Serving students in kindergarten through 4th Grade, WBExL offers supervised and staff-directed activities that are designed to enhance student learning and promote their overall social and emotional development.


Skilled faculty and staff recognize the various needs of children at different ages and stages of development and use those variations as the basis for creating an energizing curriculum. In addition to general daily activities, the program provides students with the opportunity to join a variety of after-school clubs.